30 Keahlian Komputer Yang Harus Dimiliki
Jadi , kamu mau jadi jagoan di bidang komputer terutama untuk OS Windows ?? butuh waktu dan pengalaman serta banyak trial-error dalam perjalanan . Artikel berikut memberikan petunjuk tentang keahlian apa saja yang mutlak dibutuhkan . Bisa dijadikan semacam checklist , untuk mengukur tingkat kemampuan kita . Atau bisa dijadikan panduan bagi newbie yang mulai tertarik dengan komputer . Hey.. unsur ‘tertarik’ itu penting . Modal utama untuk menuju seorang jago komputer
Keahliannya sbb :
1. Move and copy files
2.Navigate using keyboard shortcuts
3. Use shortcuts in Word
4. Install and remove new hardware
5. Send image files as attachments
6. Search your hard disk
7. Hard disk maintenance (including disk cleanup and defragmenter)
8. System restore and backup
9. Update software online
10. Create desktop shortcuts
11. Use internet options tools in Internet Explorer
12. Create a CD
13. Remove spyware
14. Adding a trusted site to a firewall
15. Use the Google advanced search tool
16. Download and install drivers
17.Change default applications
18. Crop digital images in Paint
19. Get to grips with ways of displaying folder contents
20. Get to grips with file names
21. Compress and uncompress files
22. Create templates in Word and Excel
23. Use a pop-up blocker
24. Save favourite websites
25. Use print preview
26. Create and manage playlists in Windows Media Player
27. Use fields in emails
28. Join an online forum and post a question
29. Manage downloads
30. Send emails straight to folders in Outlook Express
taken from: MANIAK PC
Jadi , kamu mau jadi jagoan di bidang komputer terutama untuk OS Windows ?? butuh waktu dan pengalaman serta banyak trial-error dalam perjalanan . Artikel berikut memberikan petunjuk tentang keahlian apa saja yang mutlak dibutuhkan . Bisa dijadikan semacam checklist , untuk mengukur tingkat kemampuan kita . Atau bisa dijadikan panduan bagi newbie yang mulai tertarik dengan komputer . Hey.. unsur ‘tertarik’ itu penting . Modal utama untuk menuju seorang jago komputer
Keahliannya sbb :
1. Move and copy files
2.Navigate using keyboard shortcuts
3. Use shortcuts in Word
4. Install and remove new hardware
5. Send image files as attachments
6. Search your hard disk
7. Hard disk maintenance (including disk cleanup and defragmenter)
8. System restore and backup
9. Update software online
10. Create desktop shortcuts
11. Use internet options tools in Internet Explorer
12. Create a CD
13. Remove spyware
14. Adding a trusted site to a firewall
15. Use the Google advanced search tool
16. Download and install drivers
17.Change default applications
18. Crop digital images in Paint
19. Get to grips with ways of displaying folder contents
20. Get to grips with file names
21. Compress and uncompress files
22. Create templates in Word and Excel
23. Use a pop-up blocker
24. Save favourite websites
25. Use print preview
26. Create and manage playlists in Windows Media Player
27. Use fields in emails
28. Join an online forum and post a question
29. Manage downloads
30. Send emails straight to folders in Outlook Express
taken from: MANIAK PC