'Miss call' does not only mean an unanswered call...
it can have other tons of meanings..
they can b..

-how r u?..
-r u okay?..
-im thinking of u..
-im missing u..
-wat r u doing now?
-r u free now?
-i wonder if ur okay..?
-for fun..
-can u talk to me?
-a 'please'..
-reply of yes or no..
-i'm bored...

That is y.. u muz always miss call a person when u think of him/her..
So dat when u miss call the person..
she/he will feel secure or know dat ur caring about him/her..

As for me.. i rather ppl to miss call me.. dat way i know they still remember me as their friend..
when u feel lonely or sad.. the phone beside u rings.. or beeps.. or vibrates..
it might b ur friend.. who can cheer u up..
who might even lend u a helping hand.. give u a shoulder to cry on..

A friend 'miss call' me when their bored...
A pair 'miss call' their love to tell them they miss them..
a father 'miss calls' to his son which means take good care..
a teacher 'miss call' his/her students to wish them luck in their exams/tests..

A single 'miss call' can make one bright if one knows the meaning of a 'miss call'..
do u know that?
.. until now.. do u really know the meaning of a miss call?.. do u?
Now do u know how important a miss call is?

note: hasil forward-an dari ALF... gue ga tau sumbernya darimana, tapi bagus loh.... thx NOEL.....


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